Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014


To Chairman of PT. Adhinusa Lestari Jaya
Jl. Cloves no.8 B - 10 Pinangsia Castle,
West Jakarta

Dear Sir,
Name               : Abdul Hafiz, SE
Address           : Jl. South White Wood VI f no.23
Title                 : Staff Accounting Finance

Asking permission maternity leave on  01 June 2014 s / d June 11, 2014

Given the length of time off which I ask, beg for a company to find a temporary replacement staff during my time off when needed.
Along with this letter I also stated that I am ready to provide training to staff a temporary replacement until the time I arrived on leave.
Thus permit me to ask this leave.
The attention and the granting of this permit request me, I say thank you.

Yours sincerely:

Abdul Hafiz, SE

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